What’s Your Vision For 2018
Have you thought about your life now and examined your previous thoughts and beliefs over the years? Do they align? Did your expectations come true?
I believe we become what we constantly think about from our own personal thoughts. There are successful people who credit visualizing their goals to help their dreams become a reality. For example, Jim Carrey wrote himself a check that he carried in his wallet for $10 million for “acting services rendered,” and dated it with the year 1994. In 1994, Carrey was paid exactly 10 million dollars for his role in the movie Dumb and Dumber. Actors Will Smith and athlete Lindsey Vonn are also examples of successful people who understand the power of visualizing what they want before achieving it. Ellen DeGeneres also used a vision board to actualize her dream of appearing on the cover of “O!” magazine with Oprah Winfrey
It’s important to teach our students about the power of their thoughts, words, and actions. We must teach them to have a vision for their lives and to think and speak about their goals. One of my favorite activities to do with students is to have them create personal vision boards. A vision board is a visual representation or collage of your goals, dreams, and aspirations.
Yes, it will be messy and chaotic.
Yes, you will have little magazine clips all over your floor.
Yes, there will be glue everywhere.
However, it will be worth it!
What you will need:
- Vision Board Planning Worksheet (Download for Free)
- Construction Paper (any size)
- Magazines, clip art, or pictures that represent your goals or vision for your future
- Scissors
- Markers
- Glue, glue stick or tape
Allow students 1-2 days of class time to plan their vision board, find pictures, and glue the pictures on construction paper. You can download my Vision Board Planning Worksheet to help students get started. Have students insert a picture or their name near the center of their vision board. Allow students time to finish their boards at home if needed.
Once the project is finished, students should explain their goals and vision boards to their peers. Allowing students to hear each other’s goals enables them to hold each other accountable, be inspired, and learn from each other.
Hang students vision boards on your classroom walls where students can easily see them. It’s important to keep what they want to accomplish in front of them as a constant reminder of what they are working towards. It helps keep students motivated and focused toward their goals.
I also create a vision board to show students that I am still setting goals and creating a vision for my future.
Here is a picture of the last vision board I created. Some numbers and symbols are symbolic to me such as “the microphone” or the “number 4.” There are pictures that symbolize activities I want to learn or do. I want to learn how to shag dance, go swimming with dolphins, try snorkeling, and run a 5K. Some pictures represent places I want to travel. Other words and pictures represent things I value and serve as a reminder of how I’m spending my time.The words “be present” reminds me to put the phone down, close the computer, turn the TV off and simply enjoy the present moment in life.
Throughout the year students should continue to reflect on their vision boards. Discuss with students the importance of having a vision and goal for their future. Continue to give students examples of people who utilized vision boards and goal setting to help their dreams become a reality. Remind students that Katy Perry was once given this same assignment by her 4th-grade teacher. When Katy was 9, Selena had just won a Grammy Award, so she used the photo of the Latin singer holding her Grammy on her vision board. Fifteen years later, Katy was nominated for her first Grammy Award.
At the end of the school year give students their vision boards and encourage them to hang them in their rooms or on their refrigerator at home. Discuss with students the importance of going back to their vision board and revising them overtime.
Remind them to “create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe. ” ~Oprah Winfrey